EVS in Prag
Die IYNF bietet zwei Plätze für einen europäischen Freiwilligendienst in Prag an. In dem internationalen Büro sind aktuell 5 Nationalitäten vertreten. Du kannst bei verschiedensten Aufgaben mithelfen, entsprechend deinen Bedürfnissen und Interessen. Dazu gehören zum Beispiel die Vorbereitung von Kampagnen, die Entwicklung von Medienkanälen und die Organisation von Bildungsaktivitäten.
Du kannst ein eigenes lokales oder internationales Projekt entwickeln und lernst viel zu verschiedenen Themen wie Umweltbildung, Nachhaltigkeit, Jugendarbeit und Gesellschaftsfragen.
Außerdem bekommst du die Möglichkeit, zu internationalen Bildungsaktivitäten in Europa zu reisen, und nimmst teil an einem tschechischen Sprachkurs.
Mehr Infos zum EVS (European Voluntary Service) in Prag findest du hier.
IYNF is regularly hosting two international volunteers in its Prague office.
What is the EVS project in IYNF like?
- You work 30-35 hours a week in an international office (currently 5 nationalities represented) with other passionate, young people in the center of Prague, Czech Republic.
- Your learning experience is put in the first place: experienced supervisors make sure that you benefit from the project and that it is adapted best to your needs
- You have a chance to assist with variety of tasks, according to your needs and interests: preparing informational campaigns, developing media channels, organizing educational activities, communicating with various organizational stakeholders
- You have a hands-on experience of working in the headquarters of an international NGO
- You have a chance to develop your own local or international project
- You learn about a variety of topics in environmental education, sustainability, youth work, campaigning, social issues
- You have an opportunity to travel to international educational activities in Europe
- You take part in a Czech language course
- You are introduced to various opportunities of volunteering and youth work in Prague
- You have your costs covered, including accommodation, food, your travel to the Czech Republic, insurance, language course and pocket money. There is no participation fee