21.10.2021 – 24.10.2021

Training in Berlin

We are Sophia, Fabi and Jule and we are organizing an in-person Training in Berlin this fall to further work on the global youth-led campaign for an Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice on climate change.

Some of the UN youth delegates have already worked on this campaign through organizing a HLPF-Side-Event on this topic this July but we´re also looking for new people who want to be involved in the campaign.

Here´s a short summary what the campaign for Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice on climate change is about: Summery

The date for this training will be October 21st-24th 2021 in Berlin, Germany.

Please arrange for your arrival to be in the afternoon of Thursday, the 21st. We will end our training on Sunday at noon. Please go ahead and book your tickets ASAP. We are working on securing funds to be able to compensate the tickets for those who can´t get financed by the youth council

Goals of the training camp are: increase specific knowledge on the campaign, improve hard and soft skills needed on the campaign trail, interpersonal (we finally want to meet the entire team working on this) networking and to seek further inspiration, of course! We are also hoping to do some strategic planning together (while also receiving guidance on how best to do this.)

We look forward to seeing you all (very soon in person).

Translation of the application form below: Fields marked with * must be filled in

Geschlecht – Gender; Vorname – First name; Nachname – Surname; Straße – Street; PLZ – Postcode; Ort – City; eMail; Tel./Handy – Mobile number; Geburstag – Birthday; Mitglied – Member; Verpflegungswunsch – Meal request; Anmerkungen – Comments; Ich bin auf die Veranstaltung aufmerksam geworden über - I became aware of the event via; Bitte schickt mir euren Newsletter - please send me your newsletter; Ich habe die Reisebedingungen gelesen und akzeptiere diese - I have read and accept the travel conditions; Ich habe die Datenschutzbedingungen gelesen und akzeptiere diese - I have read and accept the data protection conditions

Datum: 21.10.2021 bis 24.10.2021
Reiseziel: Berlin, Germany
Veranstalter: Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands


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