Wir fordern Klimagerechtigkeit

- We demand a partnership on eye level with the same rights, but not the same responsibility for everyone.
- Overcome stereotypes: Africa is not a country, but a continent in it’s own right! We demand equal rights and agreements that equally profit both the global north and the global south. We can only achieve sustainable development by recognizing the interdependence of each other.
- The fight against climate change must be in line with human rights and respect the rights of minorities. To find solutions, we need to include everyone in the process.
- We need strong global agreements and laws that include sanctions by non-compliance.
- The costs for a social-ecological transformation must be divided based on the polluter pays principle and a globally just distributed CO2 budget.
- The EU must recognize its share of responsibility and tackle the real causes why people are fleeing, rather than spending more and more money on border management, migration defense and military armament.
- We demand to stop the over exploitation of natural resources and the dumping of waste and chemicals in the global south. Companies must take responsibility for their entire value chain. We need a European supply chain law so that human rights violations and environmental destruction can be sanctioned globally.
- We need a dialogue of young people! We demand more open and safe spaces for exchange between young people from the global north and the global south. These spaces must be accessible to all, regardless of origin, gender, socioeconomic status or disabilities. The EU needs to open the borders, to overcome differences in the topic of mobility.
- Young people need to be included! We demand more youth participation, for example by building committees of young people in ministries, lowering the voting age, consulting young people and fund projects by young environment activists.
- We need an open dialogue of people of all ages. Climate change is not only a global problem, it is also an intergenerational one. There is no use in blaming older people for the past.
- We need to rethink our educational systems! We demand to invest in non-formal, environmental and global citizenship education to prepare the future generations to face global issues.
- We demand quick and easy access to information about climate change. Therefore, we need awareness campaigns, a strong community engagement and media coverage, like we had during the Covid 19 pandemic outburst. Because climate change is an emergency as well!
- We demand to take concrete actions! Stop just talking about climate protection. No more broken promises.
- We demand to foster the socio-ecological transformation by linking subsidies with climate friendly policies and conditions. There also should be an environmental impact assessment before implementing any project.
- We want to ban the use of harmful energies and thus promote clean, so-called renewable energies, which will considerably reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.
Hier könnt ihr das Forderungspapier auf Englisch und Französisch herunterladen!
Hier geht es zu unseren Video-Statements!
Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands
Association Sénégalaise des Amis de la Nature (ASAN)
Centre Régional de Recherche et d'Education pour un Développement Intégré (CREDI-ONG)
International Young Naturefriends
The demands were developed in our project, which is part of the "EU Presidency Projekt 2020-2022 - Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the world" which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs (VENRO), the Portuguese Non-Governmental Development Organizations Platform (Plataforma Portuguesa das ONGD) the Slovenian NGO Platform for Development, Global Education and Humanitarian Aid (SLOGA), and the European NGO confederation of relief and development (CONCORD).
The demands have been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of Naturfreundejugend Deutschlands and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
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